Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Fully Braided

So with de-linking the brakes and changing the front end, new lines/cables need to replace the old ones so they are the correct length. What a great oppertunity to add all steel braided lines. So as mentioned before i made up some custom venhill steel braided lines for the rear brake, but the clutch line, front brake lines and throttle cables all need replacing too.

Throttle cables first, as with the new shorter front forks the old cables were just snagging/kinking up simply because they were now too long. Because im creating something so custom, i thought it would be better to make some custom cables rather than trying to fing a bike with a cable legth similar to what i now need. Hence purchasing this custom venhill throttle cable kit: 2 high strength inner cables (one end pre nippled), 2 extra long steel braided outer cables, and a bag full of varying sizes and shapes of nipples/outer cable ends/attachment fittings.

Firstly i measured up the length needed by using the old lines then simply cutting them down to what would be needed. Then cutting the new outer cable down to length to match. The appropriate cable ends where then put on and the attachment fittings to match the throttle assembly unit. The inner cable threaded throught the outer then put into place on the bike. Once at this stage the inner cable can more accurately judge to what length to cut to. After being cut to length, the appropriate nipples were selected and treaded onto the inner cable. At the end of the inner cable the individual strands needed to be prised back then folded back onto itself known as bird caging, this is to make the wire even less likely to slip though the nipple and also to give the solder more to grab hold of. (see below)

The nipples were then soldered into place and filed to a smooth finish.

The lines are the fixed into position and put to right tension.

Like the throttle cables a new clutch line was needed because of the new shorter length. For this i chose a Hel Line to match what the front brake line i have purchased.

Hel Front brake lines fitted and all lines bled through and working.

A few little extras, i made a small bracket to fit the rear brake mc

And before the tank went on I added a pipercross airfilter.