So the plan is to use VTR sp2 side fairings to give a sportier look and match them up to the new cbr600rr front cowl. The advantage of using vtr side fairings is the fact that the vtr also has side mounted radiators, so the air vents will allow a good amount of air flow to the vfrs rads.
Firstly by mounting the front fairing i could work out where the side fairing would sit best in terms of ground clearance, ventilation to the rads, access to the coolant filler, room for the collector pipes, and matching connection to the front fairing.
The SP2 sides fairings taped on into a rough position to see how compatible they were.
The fairings needed to be hacked into to make room for coolant filler and collector pipes.
Next matching the side fairings to the front was the next problem as there was a big difference between the two. When temporary fixed on, the difference could be assessed.
An extention peice needed to be made to make the side fairings longer, so wire mesh and fiberglass were used...
initial fiberglass...
initial body filler...
compatibility check...
assessing for tweaks...
The panels finished, ready for their colour...