Friday, 25 July 2014

Side Fairings

So the plan is to use VTR sp2 side fairings to give a sportier look and match them up to the new cbr600rr front cowl. The advantage of using vtr side fairings is the fact that the vtr also has side mounted radiators, so the air vents will allow a good amount of air flow to the vfrs rads.

Firstly by mounting the front fairing i could work out where the side fairing would sit best in terms of ground clearance, ventilation to the rads, access to the coolant filler, room for the collector pipes, and matching connection to the front fairing.

 The SP2 sides fairings taped on into a rough position to see how compatible they were.

The fairings needed to be hacked into to make room for coolant filler and collector pipes.

Next matching the side fairings to the front was the next problem as there was a big difference between the two. When temporary fixed on, the difference could be assessed.

An extention peice needed to be made to make the side fairings longer, so wire mesh and fiberglass were used...
initial fiberglass...

initial body filler...

compatibility check...

assessing for tweaks...
The panels finished, ready for their colour...


  1. Just found your blog, you've done some great work! Did you ever run the cbr 1000 forks with standard bodywork? If so what handlebars/clip ons did you use? I'm having clearance issues! :-(


    1. hiya al, thanks for the compliment. Well my intention was to always run these different fairings, but i know for sure that with the original front cowl, the fireblade front end setup just wont work as with the lower handlebars the front subframe will need to be lower or further away. to make my set up work i had to extend the front subframe. sorry to confirm your fears buddy, there are some possibilities though... instead of extending my front subframe i looked into the idea of clipon risers and i think this may work with your setup if u use big risers... something like these:
      but by not actually trying this myself i cant guarantee it would work.
      or another way would be to go down the custom yoke/handlebar riser, but i think that look is a nasty street-fighter bodge. sorry i cant be of more help, but hope it works out for you and let me know how u get on.

  2. Well the woodcrafts don't work :-( I found that out a couple of weeks ago. The bar brackets come off the front of the forks so although high enough, they still foul the instruments. At the moment I'm stuck with the streetfighter look, which I'm not a fan of either. I'm looking into helibars or similar but they are quite expensive and no guarantee they will work either.

    1. ah thts annoying...would it still foul if u removed the plastic dash surround?

    2. ...or this might be a silly idea, but could u not switch the left and right woodcraft risers round and mount them with the bar brackets coming from the rear of the forks?

  3. I'd tried the risers on the wrong way round, but the angles on them meant they were all wrong. Good shout on the dash surround though, I'll try that next week when the plastics are off getting painted.

  4. but surely if you have the right clipon, turn it around so the brackets at the rear and then put it on the left fork, the angles will be right? and yea try it with the dash surround removed and see what its like

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